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(11. August 2010) "Electronic Circus on Tour" visited Renaissance Studio in Cologne for pre listening…
Contract with BSC Music/Prudence
(01. Juni 2010) -Contract with BSC Music/Prudence
-Album release August 27th 2010 -Awareness album trailer…
(21. March 2011) A new video by DEEP IMAGINATION "Awareness Part 3 -…
(13. January 2011) The interview conducted by Stefan…
(03. November 2010) New concert videos by DEEP IMAGINATIONs from Electronic Circus Festival 2010 are now online on YouTube:
Awareness - Breath-Spacew…
(24. September 2010) The new…
(15. März 2010) New guest keyboarder in DEEP IMAGINATION is Matthias Krauss, who is also a regular guest musician…
Long interview in german language (14.02.2013)
"Surroundings" appears on Electronicage (20.01.2013)
DEEP IMAGINATION collaborates with CHAOTIC from California (22 June 2012)