An interview with Thorsten Sudler-Mainz aka Deep Imagination has been published on
The info text there says: "Fifteen Questions is the world's first music magazine about music itself. By talking to some of the leading artists of our time about their perspectives, processes and approaches, we aim to build a comprehensive archive documenting one of music's most turbulent and exciting eras."
In addition to numerous interviews from a wide range of genres, you'll also find ones with artists such as Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance), Tangerine Dream and Moby.
In the interview with Thorsten Sudler-Mainz, an almost closed chronological picture emerges of his 40-year musical development from 1982 to 2022 and of his solo project Deep Imagination, which was launched in 2005.
Fifteen Questions Interview with Deep Imagination
Archaic Impulse
The english version as PDF:
15questions Interview with Deep Imagination
The englisch version at